Support: Pure linen , rain and dew burlap , silk tingle , silk cotton . There are 350 pole looms of sword now in 13906256055 the Cao 'ses. Produce pure linen , rain and dew burlap mainly, the heaviest enterprise producing pure linen in the South at present. The specification is as follows: 2001 pure flax 2010 pure flax 7X7/35X32 2008 pure flax 9X9/40X42 2828 pure flax 17X17/52X53 2836 pure flax 17X21/52X53 101 of 6X6/41X35 Pure flax 3636 pure flax 21X21/53X53 1818 pure flax 11X11/44X42 of 14X14/54X54 3001 rough cotton interweaves 32X17/56X52 317 rough cotton interweave 3024 21X13/54X52 glue rough to interweave 2015 30/2X14/47X58 glue rough to interweave 2014 30/2X9/51X47 glue rough to interweave 20X14/59X52 2008 Linen (rain and dew is rough ) 9x9 44x43 linen No. 101 (rain and dew is rough ) 14x14 54x54 linen No. 2836 (rain and dew is rough ) 17x21 53x54 There is demand in this respect in if your department. Can visit websites of my group directly . http://www. g3772463. 5322. cn www. xinshen. Biz connection: Cell-phone : 13906256055 Cao red to please take place E-mail while being prosperous. com MSN cao3772463@ho***il. 0512- 63772463 13906256055 faxes 0512-63772463 of com Ali's open g3772463 telephone of trade. 63785753